MATERIALAbout material
Take in nature
From the use of natural materials
KDL’s furniture utilize the essence and unique features of the natural materials. Solid wooden chairs are heavy, and their color changes over time. Contrasting to the plastics and melamine commonly found in kids furniture, we are not artificial and chemical at all events. This is the key to demonstrate children how to love our environment and items in our environment.
DESIGNAbout design
We outline our furniture
From the eye level of kids
Do all children chair need a back? Or armrest? In fact, we have a client who introduced stools in a kids’ canteen and found the lovely small creatures sit much more properly while eating since then. KDL’s furniture is never bounded by preconception and generalization- we start with limitless thoughts instead. We aim to provide individualized suggestions and optimal furniture by understanding the functions of each and needs in respective environments.
PRODUCTIONAbout production
Quality from our
Schooling Quality Standard
KDL is both experienced and professional- we have dealt with over 300 kindergartens and schools inside and outside Japan. We are derived from Hibino Sekkei Design- a well known and beloved brand in the field of architecture. This is how we bring out all essentials- from software to hardware, in our designs. Productions are done in our own exclusive factories for our quality standard.
ORDER MADEAbout order made furniture
Wide ranged service
From small logs to adult furniture
KDL is both experienced and professional- we have dealt with over 300 kindergartens and schools inside and outside Japan. We are derived from Hibino Sekkei Design- a well known and beloved brand in the field of architecture. This is how we bring out all essentials- from software to hardware, in our designs. Productions are done in our own exclusive factories for our quality standard.

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KB Primary and Secondary School Nagasaki Pref.

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WZY Kindergarten Guiyang Pref.

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KNO Nursery Nagasaki Pref.

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Romancecar Athletic Kanagawa Pref.

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KIDS SMILE LABO Nursery Kanagawa Pref.

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FS Kindergarten and Nursery Oita Pref.

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OM Nursery Ibaraki Pref.

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SH Kindergarten and Nursery Toyama Pref.

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KO kindergarten Ehime Pref.

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MN kindergarten Kanagawa Pref.

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SWM nursery Kanagawa Pref.

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YM nursery Tottori Pref.

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