Put kids in environment
with good designs
At all times
KIDS DESIGN LABO (KDL) is a creative team of experts
Who design, create, and provide consultation service for
Furnitures and all sorts of items in kids facilities.
We have been working on design and production of architecture, interior, furniture, logo, and uniforms
For kids institutes, nursery schools, elementary and high schools…
Simply every place for kids throughout the country.
Everything is created from the viewpoint of children and for the sake of children.
We believe that the first touch of children is worth for
Premium quality and great designs.
Through such very first wonderful experience with “things”,
Children feel and learn what design and sensitivity are.
Without a shadow of doubt, they will acquire senses to know more about surrounding objects.
Furthermore, we take the respective physical and structural features
of the kids institutes into consideration when we design.
We believe that branding is becoming more the key to be “chosen” among comp.